On an especially spooooooooky episode we unearth the dead in conversation about spirits… OOOOOOooooooooOOOOOOoooooooOOOOOooOooOOOooOOoOOOooo000•••••00o0oo…

We also do a reallyyyyyy bad job at voicesssss.. it’s reaallllllyyyyy spooookkkkyyyyyy…

Talking points: Treehouse of Bore-r, big thick circle toast, nasty with ghosts, loose approximate spirit lore, revisiting the g-d basketball, Varkari, the most useless undead doorstop, and the patron of the dead.

Referenced episodes

  • Yahdiel, current-giver of the unprismed Nine: ep. 55
  • Seasilver, lunar iron and the fourth moon of Sudar: ep. 56
  • Cairns, souls & the Lesser Beauties: ep. 71


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