"Why’s it got so many colors in it, man? What is this?"
"That’s the thing. They say you can see the whole universe in opals."

– Kevin Garnett and Howard Ratner, Uncut Gems

The primal powers of the cosmos are never quenched. When they coalesce into a singular prism they take on peculiar qualities that make them heavily sought after in the Materium. This week, Carter brings the heat (and the wet, and the weight) with elemental gems!

Have some of your own thoughts? Join the Aftermath on r/thelorekeepers!

Referenced Episodes

  • Primordium, the crucible of form: S1.19
  • Drow, fanatics of distant magics: S1.40
  • Anima, Fienir and the powers of the Primordium: S1.64

Curious about something you heard in this episode? Chances are you can find out more about it in the Record of the Lorekeeper!


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